> Screw 12-21-12, I wanna know what people will do the day after.?

Screw 12-21-12, I wanna know what people will do the day after.?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
What will YOU do/ think other people will do when they wake up on the 22nd?

I have a doctors appointment, I will go to that, my doctor is funny, then I will go sailing, I like sailing.

Tell ya what, ask me on the day after and I will let you know.

Continue xmas shoping

Shovel snow.

the morning of 12/22/12 I will wake up. walk outside. and scream "**** YOU CRUEL WORLD!!!!! FFUUUCCCKK YYOOUUUU"


What will YOU do/ think other people will do when they wake up on the 22nd?