> Which one sounds more interesting?

Which one sounds more interesting?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
why not look into how many things that each and every one of these topics have in common?

Waco and the Branch Davidian Compound on April 19, 1993 led by cult leader David Koresh. This is a largely controversial siege after a 50 day standoff with federal agencies, because the victims of this were mostly women and young children who lived in the compound. Also there is the question of "who really fired first" the ATF, Texas Rangers of the Branch Davidians (whom about 20 of them were arrested and sentenced to 40 years in prison). Arguably most of the deaths occurred when a fire broke out in the compound during the second phase of the siege. There are documentaries about this on sites like CNN, National Geographic, History Channel, TLC. Less than a year earlier there was another federal siege in Ruby Ridge Idaho, by ATF and FBI agents for Randy Weaver who failed to appear on a federal warrant and weapons charge. Actions here resulted in Weaver's wife (holding an infant at the time) and teenage son being killed. Another reason why federal agencies were under scrutiny for Waco. This all happened under former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno.

the Waco Texas Stand Off by far

Waco probably could have been avoided in many different ways...an interesting story where government involvement on American citizens lead to mass deaths

None, their all so cliche and boring

So I have to make a newspaper article about one of the following events.

Operation Desert Storm.

Waco Texas Stand Off.

Oklahoma City Bombing

Unabomber Arrested.

USS Cole Attacked.

BP Oil Spill.

So which one sounds more interesting to research about?